Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Do You Think?

Do you think God is mad at how American culture has eliminated Sunday as being a day of rest? Americans finish school work all day on Sundays (me, oops) and still go to work sometimes. Do you think He is irritated? Do you think He's like, "I made this day a day of rest and you're just disregarding it and continuing to stress yourself out." Hmmm... but, God, I don't really like to work on Saturdays. I don't really like to work on Sundays either. Would you be happier if I rested on Sundays? Would I be happier?

Friday, September 19, 2014


I feel like people are like coffee. It's hard to get a cup that's really perfect and it's even harder to duplicate it. This is why I don't trust Starbucks.

So. Shout out to all you wonderful cups of coffee who have just enough cream and sugar or are wonderfully bitter. Hot or iced, somebody loves you.